A Mont Blanc, dropped gut, and Hell at signing

Yep, signed today.

Shoulda’ been a great day, only Agent St Rita warned me early in the day that the selling bank might not sign/close til Monday a week from today –a day after we’re totally, officially homeless.  Because selling bank won’t sign the last two days of the month.  Nevermind, we were supposed to have had all this shit in line to have happened by mid-month, realistic or un- as it might have been. –Don’t worry about that, for now, just remember you’re signing a ream of pages and your Mont Blanc pen stained the hands of the escrow agent, and don’t think about the looming volcano that is the Fine Print at signing, or implications of close-dates…  

So let’s recap the week-end.  We boxed furiously, I cleaned at the appliances and under appliances with everything from Magic Erasers to baby toothbrushes, we sweated in heatwave temperatures, we hung out with family in town from Arizona, Everett, and Orange County, we acquired the 26 foot UHaul, and we had help from family from OC and Everett in filling said UHaul.  We ate KFC, sweated, and smelled worse than plucked KFC chickens prior to boiling, ass-sticking grease.  We saw The House up the hill, one of us (me) painfully aware of how close it was, and how far it was.

7/8 of the UHaul is now filled.  We have the better part of a second truck still waiting go to a truck, in our garage, and then to shuttle all that crapsicle into Our New House Up The Hill.  We’re living in the kitchen (ten feet by twenty, with counters of work-space, gerbil-living space, and sink and 30 inch wide counter separating it from the table upon with I write) and master bedroom (twelve feet by 10 feet.)  

I know we’ve been in tighter quarters, I know we will survive, I know this too shall pass… and yet… I Am Grumpy.

Today for catharsis I went to look for, and finalize kitchen appliances, to become aware of any KaPOW! delivery surprises we need to think about.  Then we had our appointment to sign, only to be told therein that while origianlly we were expecting that closer (the bank) would pay costs, we owed nearly $700, cashier’s check, no warning.  GUH??  

The Man was a bit argumentative about those costs, and then became non-compliant with any finalization thoughts (for appliances and carpeting), and  I became surly.  For fuck’s sake, dude, throw me a bone.  Let me get some ideas of what will be where, when we have a space to have something somewhere.  More arguments ensued as we discussed his space-planning (poor) in the UHaul, and mostly, I just needed less heat, more closure, and CERTAINLY NOT the knowledge that the new house’s front door doesn’t actually, in point of fact, lock (along with a couple of slider doors with questionable locks) –I was not a happy, happy, wheeee! giggle-giggle girl. 

I feel displaced, homeless while owning –more or less- two homes, and just plain fed-the-fuck-up.

This time next week, I anticipate things will be better…  

I fervently hope…

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